Hunting Horn

Switch Skills Loadout

Hunting Horn Image

Minor skill

Overhead Smash

Melodic Slap

Overhead Smash

A mighty attack that swings the hunting horn down from above. Effective in reducing the target's stamina.

Melodic Slap

Swings the hunting horn around once, generating a forwards Sonic Smash. Low damage output but effective at stunning.

Major skill

Melody Mode: Performance

Melody Mode: Echo

Melody Mode: Performance

An action affecting invigorating melodies. Two attacks of the same note in a row generates a melody effect. Playing using ZR boosts your own abilities. A mode focused solely on combat.

Melody Mode: Echo

An action affecting invigorating melodies. Generates a melody effect from the Musical Staff using ZR, while boosting your own abilities. This mode is useful for applying various melody effects.

ZL + X

Slide Beat

Slide Beat

Uses a Wirebug to propel you forward into a spinning attack. The final performance grants a status boost, and you'll be invulnerable to knockback effects while moving forward.

ZL + A


Bead of Resonance


An attack that drives an Ironsilk-bound blade into the target like a stake. When it hits, the Wirebug and weapon are connected with silk. The vibrations of the weapon's sonic blast explode inside the target. (Wirebug Gauge recovery speed: Medium)

Bead of Resonance

Places a Wirebug cocoon on the ground. If the same hunter generates melody effects, the effect also appears around the cocoon, as does as a Sonic Wave that damages monsters near it. (Wirebug Gauge recovery speed: Medium)
